the hum of spiders: an anthology of works & words

IMG_3337the hum of spiders: an anthology
of works & words


This series includes poems and short fictions that are essential to me, as well as my own brief comments (250-500 words) about the works. My selections are very personal in nature – and may or may not be the most critically recognized works by the writers.

Each selection includes a link to the work and my comments.


Jimmy Santiago Baca, “Like an animal

Amiri Baraka, “Preface to a Twenty Volume Suicide Note

Lucille Clifton, “blessing the boats

Kathy Fish, “Foreign Film

Joy Harjo, “Desire

Lynda Hull, “Accretion

David Ignatow, “Three in Transition

Li-Young Lee, “Eating Together

Frank O’Hara, “Windows” – A bonus poem included: “September 14, 1959 (Moon)” – audio reading by O’Hara and text

Naomi Replansky, “Epitaph-1945

Jack Spicer, “Thing Language

Ruth Stone, “Lines

Lew Welch, “[I saw myself]


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